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Cinderella Stories Around the World in 40 Books


Travel the world through 40 diverse versions of the Cinderella legend! This is the perfect complement to your world studies.
(the pages from the 2-week Cinderella unit are included in this one; don’t purchase both!)

I know what you’re thinking: 40 is a lot of books to track down!!

  1. You don’t have to read them all! You can pick and choose the amount that feels right to you.
  2. You don’t have to go anywhere to find them: I’ve provided links for 39 out of 40 books to read on archive.org or watch on youtube. Some books have links to BOTH!

Mapwork and Geography: make it fun! As you read each culture’s version, there are book stamps to cut and glue to the provided maps.

Language Arts and Storytelling: This study features accompanying comprehension pages to help you keep track of all the versions you read. And when the creative juices start flowing… it time for the creative writing project.

Creative Writing and Art: There are guided questions and space for your child to brainstorm their own Cinderella story, illustrate it in a homemade book, and even create their own stamp to add to the map. There is space for older children to write their own versions.

Fine Arts: Don’t miss the page featuring the Cinderella story in opera, ballet, musicals, movies, and architecture.

The final breakdown:

  • Features 40 books and comprehension pages
  • Covers 30+ different countries and cultures
  • Travels across 5 continents
  • Spans a variety of time periods, from ancient through modern
  • Includes religious versions: Jewish and Muslim
  • Works best for ages 4 through 12. (Or for anyone who is a fan of Cinderella)

This is not a physical product. You will receive a 60-page digital PDF download.


Travel the world through Cinderella stories! “Cinderella Stories Around the World in 40 Books” features 40 books and comprehension pages for you to pick and choose from. Book links are provided to archive.org and youtube.

“A Book A Day” studies use living picture books as springboards to dive deeper into topics. Links to interesting articles, videos, and easy activities are provided to enhance your learning. Featured books cover countries across five continents.

I’ve created a simple, hands-on activity to go with each lesson: A collection of book stamps to make map work fun even for the youngest students.

Other studies that may interest you: Christmas Around the World and Around the World in 80 Recipes


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