
Our most fun memory of studying Colombia was that two of the kids each lost a tooth right when we found out that the tooth fairy is a tooth mouse that leaves gifts in most Spanish-speaking countries! I never thought I’d be impersonating a mouse to collect those baby teeth!

Post Updated November 2021
Post Released May 30, 2020

Fun Fact

They put cheese in their hot chocolate!

Mapping it Out

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This was our favorite book to read from our Colombia bookstack:

Cooking Colombian Food with Kids

They eat big, leaf-cutter ants in Colombia! We didn’t do that. The kids loved the Mango Popsicles and helped me make the Sweet Colombian Bread. (There are more recipe links and pictures inĀ Recipes by Country: Colombia.) What we will never forget is how Colombians have their Hot Chocolate…..with cheese!

This sweet girl has a video to show you how: Colombian Hot Chocolate with Cheese


We watched “The Road to El Dorado.” The Orinoco River was supposedly the path to El Dorado. The movie was entertaining, although I think there were some Mayan or Aztec representations in it (so it would probably go better with a study about Mexico).

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