
The land of Machu Picchu, Nazca Lines, and the heart of the Ancient Incan civilization. A few surprises, too, like the Reed Islands and boats of the Uros People!

Navigate this page: Missions, Booklists, Incas, Ecosystems, Cooking, Composer Study, Folk Dance/Music, Art Project, Games, Movie, Videos

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Mapping it Out

Missions Spotlight


Introduction to Peru (these series have been kid approved)

  • “Peru,” by Lisa Owings (Exploring Countries series. grades 2-5)
  • “Peru,” by Alicia Klepeis (Country Profiles series, grades 3-7)
  • “Peru,” by Michael Burgan (Enchantment of the World series, grades 5+)

Picture Books

Chapter Books

Incan Empire: The Great Inka Road

About two years ago, we visited the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC, and walked through a temporary exhibit of The Great Inka Road. I still had the activity guides (half finished because the kids were little) and you can print it out for a study of the Ancient Incan Empire, spanning the countries of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile. This video goes along with the booklet: Origin Story of the Inka. According to the approximate geography for each region, I assigned the pages as following:

  • Ecuador: Chinchaysuyu, Pages 6-7
  • Peru: Contisuyu, Pages 12-13
  • Bolivia: Antisuyu, Pages 8-9
  • Chile: Collasuyu, Pages 10-11

Ecosystems of Peru

  • “Seven natural wonders of Central and South America,” by Michael Woods and Mary B. Woods (includes the Andes Mountains and the Amazon River)
  • “Animals in danger in South America,” Louise and Richard Spilsbury (includes the Andes Mountains and the Amazon River)

The Andes Mountains Range (also listed under Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela)

  • On Amazon Prime: “Wildest: Latin America,” Season 1, Episode 1, One Jungle, Many Worlds

Cooking Peruvian Food with Kids

I noticed Asian recipes when reading up on cuisine in Ecuador and Peru and it turns out that there is quite an Asian population there. (There are more recipe links and pictures in Recipes by Country: Peru.)

The kids weren’t fond of it, but we had to have some quinoa. Even the Peruvian pizza recipe that we made together had quinoa on it! We also discussed some economics and health with this video: Quinoa in Peru increasingly only for the wealthy.

Composer Study

We listened to the music of the Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos during our studies of the northern countries of South America: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. For links to YouTube videos of compositions, visit my page: “Composers: Heitor Villa-Lobos.” For ideas of how to do Composer Study, visit my page: “Art and Music.”

Folk Dance and Music of Peru

Art Project

I love the bright textiles of the Quechua people and how it’s represented in this fun llama project. Even my little 3 year old could draw the designs and bands of watercolor.

I had a great idea a la Nazca Lines for the twins to make a large-scale picture using branches and other natural material so that I would be able to see it from above. They couldn’t find enough material so made little pictures with lighter colored stone on the darker stone.

Kids can also try drawings from this book: “How to draw Peru’s sights and symbols,” by Cindy Fazzi.


The Lost Cities board game and the Lost Cities card game fit perfectly into this study of Machu Picchu and the Ancient Incan civilization. The card game is 2-player and both are super fun.


We watched “The Emperors New Groove,” which was fun and had elements of the landscape of the Andes mountains and Incan architecture.

Geography YouTube Videos

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