This study brought up memories of last summer’s trip to Niagara. Oh, the freedom of being shoulder-to-shoulder with strangers before the pandemic!
Navigate this page: Missions, Booklists, Ecosystems, Cooking, Folk Music/Dance, Art, Physical Education, Games, Movies, Videos
Mapping it Out
-’s Free printable of Canada’s flag and map, and more
-’s Free printable map of Canada and it’s provinces
-’s Free online geography games for Canada’s Provinces and the Great Lakes
Missions Spotlight
- Wycliffe Bible Translators has activities and resources for kids
- Facts and a prayer for Canada
- Prayer topics, Summary, Quick Facts
**parents should preview the video for sensitive topics that may not be age appropriate.
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My Top Booklists
The following are my favorite books for different age groups and categories:
- Preschool/Elementary: In My Anaana’s Amautik
- Early Elementary: Carson Crosses Canada
- Late Elementary/Middle: The Incredible Journey
- Middle School and Up: Fatty Legs
Science: Ecosystems of Canada
Cooking Canadian Food with Kids
Canada is so large that the food is as varied as the ecosystems. The kids had a lot of fun making sweet Nanaimo Bars for British Colombia and fried Beaver Tails for Ontario, even using sharp knives to make the cuts! (See the rest of the food we tried in Recipes by Country: Canada.)

Folk Music and Dance of Canada
- Inuit Dance
- Canada music and images
- Putumayo Folk Music CDs to check out:
A Brush Full of Colour: The World of Ted Harrison
After looking at the Ted Harrison picture book, we made our own scenic landscapes following these two videos:
Ted Harrison Inspired Landscape and Polar Bear
Ted Harrison Abstract Landscape
In celebration of the Inuit, we also engineered a massive igloo out of packing boxes. In case you don’t have packing boxes lying around, this book contains other ideas: “The Inuit: Activities, Craft, History,” by Ruth Thomson.
The kids are always collecting things while we walk on nature trails. We did a rubbing of a little maple leaf, cut it out, and made the Canadian flag.
A toilet paper roll craft! They read the meanings of totem animals, I printed the ones they chose, and voila, toilet paper roll totem pole! Even the little one made his own.
The twins started learning to use their own pocket knives. We started them out with whittling s’mores sticks!

Physical Education
Did you know that a PE teacher from Canada invented basketball while in the US? In addition to playing basketball, we learned the rules of ice hockey and curling! I wish we could have gone skiing or ice skating, but everything was shut down for the pandemic.
We played the board game, “Niagara.” Even the little ones had fun pushing the kayaks downstream at the end of each round!

- Bear Named Winnie: There is also a picture book and a chapter book based on this true story.
- Anne of Green Gables: We preferred the older version to the new one.
- The Incredible Journey: Based on the book!
Geography YouTube Videos
- How to make maple syrup (and the science of maple sap)
- Caribou vs Reindeer
- Travel Kids Canada: Waterfall
- Travel Kids Canada: Polar Bears
- Travel Kids Canada: Winterlude
- Travel Kids Canada: Stampede
- Mouk cartoon, Canada episode Mouk: Land Art
- Mouk cartoon, Canada episode Mouk: Shooting Stars and the Hockey Game
- Mouk cartoon, Canada episode Mouk: In Search of the Caribous
- Mouk cartoon, Canada episode Mouk: Yummy, Maple Syrup!
- Mouk cartoon, Canada episode Mouk: Follow that Kite!
- Geography Now! Canada (this is a fun resource geared towards adults and older kids; I recommend that parents pre-watch before showing to younger kids)