We continued crafting while learning about the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. The most interesting thing we learned studying the Middle Kingdom of Egypt was related to the Bible.

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We had so much fun making papyrus. We watched this video: Meet Some Of The Last Papyrus Makers In Egypt
For our project, I cut strips of paper from a large sheet of packing paper. To create the adhesive, I mixed 1/4 cup of water with 2 tablespoons of Elmer’s glue. This was enough for one sheet 12 x 12 papyrus.
Other good alternatives for the adhesive are Mod-Podge or a flour-water mixture (like you would use to make a pinata).
We did this on a sheet of wax paper. First we laid the strips in one direction with a slight overlap. Then we laid strips in the other direction with a slight overlap. It was dry by the next day!

Drawing Ideas
We used the following books and videos for ideas of what to draw on our finished papyrus. Because it has dried glue on it, watercolors will not work well! Try coloring pencils or crayons to add color.
- How to Draw Egypt’s Sights and Symbols
- Draw and Write Through History
- Video: Egyptian Frontalism
- Video (intermediate level): How to Draw an Egyptian Woman

The Exodus during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt
Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus is a documentary about the findings of archaeology that support the story of the Exodus as found in the Bible.
Here’s the product description:
“What is the validity of history found in the Bible? Is it fact or fiction? What does the hard evidence really have to say about the foundational story of the Old Testament: the Exodus out of Egypt? An in-depth investigation by documentary filmmaker Tim Mahoney searches for answers to these questions amid startling new finds that may change traditional views of history and the Bible.”
“For more than 50 years, the vast majority of the world’s most prominent archaeologists and historians have proclaimed that there is no hard evidence to support the Exodus story found in the Bible. In fact, they say that the archaeological record is completely opposed to the Bible’s account. This view of extreme skepticism has spread from academia to the world. The case against the Exodus appears to be so strong that even some religious leaders are labeling this ancient account as historical fiction.”
“Filmmaker Tim Mahoney begins with the question, Is the Bible just a myth, or did the archaeologists get it wrong?’ He decides to tackle this issue with a deliberate scientific approach. After examining the details in the biblical text, he journeys across the globe to search for patterns of evidence firsthand. The result is the most in-depth archaeological investigation into the Exodus from Egypt ever captured on film.”
What Tim Mahoney found was that the evidence supports the story of the Exodus lining up with Egypt’s Middle Kingdom.