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Discover Laos: A Book A Day (2 week study)


A portion of the proceeds from this unit will be donated to *Halo Trust which is an organization that works to clear bomb ordnance in Laos and other countries around the world.

What was the Secret War? Have you heard of a moon bear? Come learn about the beautiful country of Laos, one of the most ethnically diverse countries in Southeast Asia. All of the books except for two can be freely accessed online.

“Discover Laos: A Book A Day” is a ten-day study cultural study for ages 4 to 13. Week 1 contains folktales that covers aspects of Lao culture with accompanying activities. Week 2 dives into The Secret War and Hmong refugees. The second week may be more suitable for elementary aged children, but most of these books are gentle introductions to the refugee situation of the Hmong.

In addition to a curated and scheduled selection of books and accompanying videos, informational pages cover interesting aspects of Laos’ geography, ethnic people groups, capital city, history, flag, The Secret War, and the participation of the Hmong people. There is also a special “Author Spotlight.”

This 30-page study covers the following subjects: mapwork, art, flag, history, animal science, cooking, and copywork. Timeline cards and a chapter book list are included.

You will receive two digital PDF downloads. This is not a physical product. The two files consist of: “Discover Laos: A Book A Day” and a special passport booklet.

*The Halo Trust has a 4-star rating (out of four stars) on CharityNavigator.org.

Learn about the geography of different countries through literature. Written in an open-and-go format, this study uses multiple living picture books to learn about Laos. Many of the books are written by own voices or people with strong ties to the country.

The books and activities are interdisciplinary, covering multiple subjects during the course of the study. In a manner similar to unit studies, different subjects are covered that all relate to Laos.

This geography curriculum is written as a non-biased, non-religious study. This gives families the flexibility to view it through the lens of their own religious worldviews as they see fit. Religions and religious beliefs of people in the country may be discussed.

Many of the activities follow a Charlotte Mason approach. These activities include: living stories, copywork, map drawing, art study, and composer study.

Whether you read about Laos in the news or know someone from the country, my hope is that this study provides a cultural immersion for your students that they will always remember.


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