We have discovered Kate Seredy’s beautifully written historical fiction novels about Hungary! We touched a bit on the Austro-Hungarian empire when we studied Austria, so this made it feel complete.
Navigate this page: Missions, Booklists, Science, Field Trip, Cooking, Composer Study, Folk Dance, Game, Movies, Videos
Free Printables
- Crayola.com’s Free printable of Hungary Flag and Map
- Seterra.com’s Free printable maps of Europe
- Seterra.com’s Free online geography games for Europe: Hungary is grouped in the Eastern Europe Countries game.
Missions Spotlight
- Prayercast.com/Hungary: Prayer Points, Summary, Quick Facts
**parents should preview the short prayercast.com video for sensitive topics that may not be age appropriate.
Top 3 Book List
The following lists are a sampling of my favorite books for different age groups. (These are Amazon affiliate links that do not increase your price. I may earn a few cents on qualifying purchases.)
Reference Books for Hungary
Science/Easy Field Trip idea
Have you heard of Hungarian paprika? It’s commonly used in Hungarian cooking. I had grand plans to bring my kids to the local spice store and sniff the different types of paprika, but it was closed due to Covid. I was able to do a store pickup at Penzey’s and we did our sniff and taste test at home! Learn about paprika with this video: Spicing Up Hungary For 200 Years.
I had one of my kids guess the ingredients for Hungarian hot chocolate…that’s right, paprika! They didn’t like it as much but I thought it added an interesting flavor!

Cooking Hungarian Food with Kids
We studied Hungary around Easter, so read about the Easter traditions that they have. We made a delicious Hungarian Easter Wreath Bread and played the egg knocking game that is commonly played in Central and Eastern European countries.

Here are the other recipes that we tried :
Composer Study
Two more of my favorite composers are from Hungary: Franz Liszt and Bela Bartok. Along with Kodaly, they utilized Hungarian folk music in their compositions. If you have a piano student in your home, Bartok wrote music for all levels. His pedagogical work for beginners is called “Mikrokosmos.”
- Classics for Kids has five audio shows about Liszt, one of which highlights Romani music.
- Classics for Kids has four audio shows about Kodály, including one about the Kodály Method. Here are elementary lesson plans to study Kodály.
- Classics for Kids article: biography about Bartók
- Classical Nerd’s youtube video: Great Composers: Béla Bartók
- Liszt, Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 for piano
- Liszt, Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 for orchestra
- Liszt, La Campanella Etude No.3, Grande etude de Paganini
- Bartók: Viola Concerto
- Bartók: 15 Hungarian Peasant Songs
Folk Dance and Music
The csárdás is mentioned in the books by Kate Seredy, so watch these youtube videos as you read “The Good Master” and “The Singing Tree.” The music of the Romani, or gypsy, people is the major type of folk music referenced in the books, as well.
Here are a few youtube videos:
- György és Andrea – Matyó csárdás és friss
- Hungarian Gypsy Folklore
- Hungarian gypsy dance a little differently
We played Hungarian Dominoes and I learned how to do a Rubik’s Cube! It really got my brain thinking in a different and spatial way. The Rubik’s Cube was invented by Hungarian architect and inventor Ernö Rubik. My husband taught my 8-year old boys how to do it this past year and I bought them more challenging versions of the Rubik’s Cube to figure out. If you’re up for the challenge, here are some algorithms that you can try:
- Solve the 3×3 Rubik’s Cube
- Rubik’s Official Website
- Youtube video: How the Rubik’s Cube became one of the bestselling toys
- Youtube video: Learn to solve a Rubik’s Cube in 10 minutes
- Youtube video: Top 5 Fastest Rubik’s Cube Solves
- Youtube video: He Juggled and Solved 3 Rubik’s Cubes

We watched “A Kid in King Arthur’s Court” which has nothing to do with Hungary but has scenes that were filmed in Budapest, which is the capital of Hungary. The kids thought it was pretty fun!
YouTube Videos
- Rick Steves and Geography Now! are a fun and informative resources geared towards adults and older kids; I recommend that parents pre-watch before showing to younger kids.
- Rick Steves’ Europe: Budapest: The Best of Hungary
- Geography Now: Hungary
- Geography Now: Hungary Flag